Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Extra Extra read all about... Oliver

My blog relationship can definitely be defined as love/hate. Sometimes I feel like it could be pretty fun to have a blog I keep up with and post on every day (or at least every other day...or once a week for that matter) But usually I just find myself forgetting about it. So here I am two months since my last post trying to remember everything that has happened and squeeze it into one tiny post (kind of pathetic).
I think time lapsed shows itself to me most through Oliver's hair length (odd thing to say maybe) but seriously even though i know he is growing taller and bigger he still seems like the same little baby he was 2 months ago or even 4 months ago, the only big difference I notice is his hair length (which his hair is so cute by the way) I love his hair and his smile and chubby thighs and face and... well you get the point. Besides the fact that his hair is growing apparently he is too because we celebrated his first birthday a week ago, Yes you heard me right, the handsome little nugget who is my son turned ONE last week!! I guess it still hasn't sunken in entirely but he really is a little man.

I am so so lucky I get to work from home so I can be with him every day and watch him grow and change. He is the funniest kid, he loves to laugh & it doesn't hurt that he has the best smile.
   I guess it may not be wise to sit on my blog and gush about how amazing my son is when my blogging rate is about 6 posts a year but I seriously cant help it. I STILL sit and stare at him and mutter to Darin stuff like "Isn't he the cutest?", "He is so awesome!", "Did you imagine we would have such a cute kid?" or "I still can't believe we have a child!"
    Motherhood is definitely something hard to imagine before you are one & something you can't imagine not being after you have become one. I used to think I couldn't do the whole mom thing & kids COMPLETELY freaked me out, but now I am so in love with being a mom and loving this little person so much that it consumes your entire being to the very core.
 For all those married people & people in serious committed relationships who are very much in love with one another but do not have children yet, just wait until you have a baby. It will change your life forever and for the better. You seriously do not know what this kind of love is until you look at this little person you helped create, it is a feeling beyond comprehension and something impossible to put into words. And don't worry, your partner is part of that love too, A BIG part (as unfathomable as it may be) you will love your partner to a WHOLE other level after having a child together.

Well now that I have gushed and sputtered on about my baby and being a mommy, we will part ways and I will leave you with some Ollie facts & an iphone photo dump (in no particular order).

* Home boy is ONE!!
* He has six teeth
* He hasn't been in for his one year check up yet (oops) so I don't have any height & weight stats, but he is a haus!
* He loves Yo Gabba Gabba (what kid doesn't)
* He loves to dance
* He will laugh if you start laughing, at absolutely nothing, as long as you are laughing he will laugh
* He LOVE LOVE LOVESS his dogs. you can almost always find him on the dog bed with his furry friends
* He has got to be the worlds fastest crawler ( I guess since he refuses to walk he has to be fast at crawling)
* He is in a phase where he wants to be held almost ALL the time
* He loves everyone and will pretty much let anyone hold him (although he likes his parents to hold him most)
* He is the best sleeper, sleeps through the night usually doesn't wake up until about 8:30am
* He sits up, he stands, he crawls & he walks holding on to things but the boy will not walk (he has taken a few steps but he usually prefers to crawl)
*He says Mama & Dada
* He loves yogurt & fruit
* He is obsessed with water (baths, showers, toilets ... and kind of water), big people cups, the dog food bowls & kitchen drawers & cabinets.
* He doesn't really have a favorite toy, his favorite toy is one of the kitchen drawers, he pulls out all the measuring cups and stuff from it.
* He loves music