Sunday, February 17, 2013

This kid.

In honor of the fact that my only baby (non furry baby) turned 10 months old yesterday, I am going to write a post SOLELY about him.
First off, I cannot get over how good a baby he is. I mean I know every baby is sweet and cute and good, but seriously this kid is GOOOOOOOD. He really only cries when he is hungry or super tired, he sleeps through the night, he naps around the same time everyday and he is so sweet. I am one blessed momma.

In case you were wondering (because it seems to be the trend amongst moms) here is what Oliver is up to these days:

*Wears anywhere between 12-18 month clothes and 18-24 month clothes depending on the brand.
* Weight: 24 LBS (maybe more hasn't been to the doctor for a check up since his 9 month apt)
*Height: 29 Inches (maybe more)
*Stands (holding onto something)
*Walks (holding onto something)
*Sits up and crawls around of course
*Has 2 teeth that are fully in and 2 that have not come in all the way yet
*goes to sleep between 7-9 each night and usually doesn't wake up until 8:30 or 9:00 each morning (I have had mornings where he didn't wake up until 10 and 11 AM. I'm telling ya, LUCKY MOM!)
*Says Mama, Dada, up and naa naa naa (which I take as no because he only says it when he is mad and doesn't want something)
* The kid loooves food, if we are eating he screams because he has to have what we are eating. Some of his favorites are yogurt, green smoothies, fruit and puffs (still).
* Also his favorite thing ever and has been since he was introduced to it at about 5 months old is Baby Mozart (it is a video by baby Einstein that plays music and has different things moving on the screen) the kid will watch this anytime, any day, anywhere.
*Loves Baths
* Doesn't really have a favorite toy, he would rather dig through drawers and cabinets, but he does love his little scooty chair that he can roll/walk around in (Thanks Mary Marshall).
* Loves blankets, particularly the micro fleece ones ( I'm not sure what it is about those blankets but I have always been obsessed, then my dogs got obsessed, now my son is obsessed... hmmm)
*loves to dance
*Loves his puppies, he loves to chase them around the kitchen in his scooty seat and laughs while he chases them. He also likes to feed them his food.

Well I think that is all for now, but you can bet there will be a nice fat post about Oliver Bear on April 16th. We are so lucky to be his parents and we feel so blessed that heavenly father would send him to us, we could not have asked for a more special boy. We love you Oliver.