Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Visitors Welcome

It really is so surreal how quickly time goes by and We don't even realize it. It seriously seems like yesterday I married Darin and now some how we miraculously have been married on the better half of 4 years and have an almost one year old child, so naturally when I think about college or how much time has passed since I have seen some of my friends It doesn't seem like much time has passed either. One of my dear sweet friends (whom I could have sworn I had just seen) came to visit me for the past 10 days after we realized it hadn't been just yesterday but instead it had been 5 YEARS! I know, crazy ( I must be in some kind of a time warp, because in my mind I am still 20). Any way, she came ... and it was like no time had passed since the last time I saw her. We had such a good time laughing about old memories and making new ones, she got to meet my kid ( I'm sure that was weird for her) and she was so helpful while I had to get work done by watching him for me.  I cant believe the 10 days are already up and she is gone. She is such a wonderful person and I am so blessed that after five years it felt like no time had even passed, we just picked up where we left off and filled each other in on the missing pieces of our crazy lives.
 I love all of my friends so dearly and I am so lucky to have the ones I do. They are all so different and bring so many different qualities and traits to our friendship. I feel like all of my friends combined create the perfect person. I am so lucky to have the ones I do.
 Like I always say, I'd rather have a few amazing friends than a ton of mediocre acquaintances and that I got.
We miss you Bridget, hurry back to Georgia soon.
Here are some photos from the past 10 days. Enjoy

Friday, January 11, 2013

Update. update. update

Oh my goodness it has been awhile since I've had the time to even contemplate the notion of writing a new Blog entry. Things have been super busy around here in the George household. Lots of work and fun.
Sadly the Holidays have come and gone (but at least I no longer have to fight the urge to want to stuff my face with Holiday deliciousness) and we are slowly getting back into the grind of everyday life.
We spent Christmas in the Old North State and spent time with our loved ones. Christmas was so fun this year having a child. I can only imagine it will get more fun as he gets older and actually understands what is going on. This year my sister in-law and her husband and 5 kids all spent the night at my in-laws house so watching them all open their presents was super cute and entertaining! Oliver loves getting to spending time with his cousins and all his grandparents and great grandparents. he is such a social kid and loves people watching.
After Christmas Vacation Darin had to head back to work, so Oliver and I cruised on over to the coastline and visited my parents and sister (who came into town) we spent a nice late Christmas together and brought in the new year with my family playing our traditional beach trip card games ( we're a pretty wild and crazy bunch) but no, we did enjoy some laughs while watching each other shake it to Just Dance 4.  It is always a fun time when I get to spend it with my sister, mom and dad.
After that I buzzed back down to the dirty dirty and low and behold it has been a week since my Holiday adventures have been over... (now to tackle the decoration situation, no bueno).

I am always sad to see the Holidays leave and a new year begin, but I am looking forward to this year being just as amazing as the last. On New Years Eve Darin and I reflected on our year of 2012 (via text) and both of us were in agreement, 2012 was the best year for us so far in our married life, for we brought a new addition into our family and from that our hearts have only doubled. I have never felt so much love for a person so quickly and the love I have for Darin has grown so much. When people say having a baby changes your marriage they are totally right, it makes it better! Our marriage has never been so strong.

Now that I have sufficiently mushied up this blog entry I can move on.

Oliver will be one in April (yea I know his birthday is 3 months away but people lets be real the months FLY BY) and I am so excited and so mind boggled at the same time, how did my baby get so big and old? I mean I guess on some level he is already like a one year old, for starters he's a haus! He isn't yet 9 months old and he wears 12-18 month clothes.. He is SO smart and so funny and oh man his smile kills me (and I know i am biased, but isn't that what parents are for?). I ask him everyday where he came from but he doesn't answer me of course, he just laughs.

well my lovely friends, family and blog stalkers that I do not personally know I hope you have enjoyed this little catch me up post. I will make it my "resolution" to try and blog more (probably not so much for your benefit as for mine) I read other peoples blogs who document what their babies are doing at that point and time and I'm like "what a good freaking idea, I need to do that." so I will try.
 I hope you all had a fabulous Holiday and a Happy New Year.
I will leave you with some pictures as always ( I mean lets be honest, it's the best part of any blog).